Monday, October 1, 2012

Introduction to Interior Design

Interior Design has been defined as the creation and organization of interior spaces to perform specific function within an architectural environment. Such interior space must combine the functional, technical, and economic aspects of design with the human. and psychological consideration by the intended users.

An interior is a space that is enclosed by walls, floors, and ceilings it has one or more entries / exist, and usually one or more openings. Such as windows, for light and ventilation. Those enclosing elements may be composed of any number of materials and formed of countless shapes.

To design is to conceive, envision, plan, delineate, and compose things. The design methods include communicating the concept to the client_owner and to the crafts people who will build or execute those designs. It includes appropriate use of materials, attention to scale, and attention to functional and psychological appropriateness.

A formal definition of interior design, formulated by the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ), has been developed to help unify the varied directions and professional activities in the field today.